Factor Structure and Invariance of the POMS Mood State Questionnaire in Spanish

Andrade, E., Arce, C., Torrado, J., Garrido, J., de Francisco, C. & Arce, I.

Psychological and self-management factors in near-fatal asthma

Vázquez, I., Romero-Frais, E., Blanco-Aparicio, M., Seoane, G., Otero, I., Rodríguez-Valcarcel, M., Pértega, S., Pita, S. & Verea-Hernando, H.

Escalamiento multidimensional: concepto y aplicaciones.

Arce, C., De Francisco, C. y Arce, I.

Identidad colectiva movilizada

Sabucedo, J. M., Durán, M. y Alzate, M.

Mood state indicators for adolescent athletes based on POMS multidimensional model

Andrade, E., Arce, C., Armental, J., Rodrígeuz, M. y & de Francisco, C.

Postoperative recovery after removal of a lower third molar: Role of trait and dental anxiety

Lago-Méndez, L., Diniz-Freitas, M., Senra, C., Seoane, G., Gándara-Rey, J. M. & García-García, A.